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New paper on the telegraph line is out! It’s a #microhistory of Strangways Springs//Pangki Warruna, exploring its evolution from a #pastoral property to a #telegraph station to a #railway stop, and how these transitions shaped innovation in #Australia 🤩📝

We also highlight the importance of #water in creating and sustaining these innovations (as is the case for technologies of today like #AI 😉).

SpringerLinkWool, Wires and Water: Technological Transitions at Strangways Springs - International Journal of Historical ArchaeologyThe Strangways Springs artesian mound spring complex in South Australia reveals a layered history in which resources, technology, labor, and culture are significant and changing variables. The site exists in Arabana country, and for thousands of years provided a location for human shelter, artesian waters, and life sustaining resources. The arrival of sheep stations in the “Far North” of South Australia represented a significant rupture and the creation of a new kind of economy based on wool. The establishment of an overland telegraph repeater station brought the latest technological developments to this remote frontier, which had the information of the world available instantly. Other developments such as the railway and wool scouring further secured the importance of locations like Strangways Springs in the continent's colonial infrastructure. This microhistory uses archaeology, archival research, and photography to explore these technological transitions and their impacts at Strangways Springs in the nineteenth century, providing important insights into the sociotechnical nexus that characterized emerging colonial worlds and new forms of modernity in settler Australia.

NEW EPISODE: Just as someone steering a ship adjusts the rudder based on feedback from the ocean, so too does good pedagogy depend on what our guest today, biology teacher Christian Moore-Anderson, calls “recursive teaching”, or a constant feedback loop of action, interpretation, and learning between teachers and students. #K12 #biology #science #cybernetics #edchat

Interesting Economic Index paper from Anthropic, based on 1m+ Claude.AI conversations. Analysed through O*NET classifications, shows #AI use in over 36% of occupations.


1. This analysis would ordinarily be undertaken by government labour departments. Analysis of the use of #AI tools is now predicated on companies releasing this data. Anthropic has released *some* of the data used for analysis - but not all - e.g. the actual prompts.

2. This data is linked to US occupational classifications (O*NET), and AFAICT, there is no way to identify in the dataset (I looked) what the geography of the user is. That means this analysis can't be used to analyse **Australian** patterns of AI use - which links to the #sovereignAI discourse.

3. Given Anthropic's outsized role in the industry, and the push for adoption by e.g. Microsoft of tools like e.g. CoPilot, I wonder if this economic analysis will become a *target* - following Goodhart's Law. Which would increase AI usage, which would benefit Anthropic.

4. I found the distinction between automation and augmentation in this analysis useful. Drawing from #cybernetics, automation can be viewed as first-order - the user directs the intent. Augmentation is more reflexive, with the intent negotiated. What are the implications of #LLM involvement here?

5. The pattern of increasing use among higher-skilled professions - up to the cliff of those requiring advanced degrees (e.g. surgeons) where usage dropped off - indicates to me that advanced degrees still provide a "moat" - but for how long?

6. I really loved the feedback form Anthropic provided for researchers to suggest new research directions and to give feedback on the format of the dataset that was released. This connects research with practice - praxis.


huggingface.coAnthropic/EconomicIndex · Datasets at Hugging FaceWe’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
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#gamification is the manipulation of behaviour

Mostly without knowledge or consent of the people involved

Including game elements in learning is not gamification. I often get the impression that people think that every game element means gamification. But is is not the same

Gamification comes with addiction & you are played by rules you are not able see or change

It is rooted in #cybernetics and is one of the reasons that so-called #socialmedia can be used to destroy whole societies

What do @1sabelR and @theEllamo do in between podcasts?

Here’s a catch up on our 2024 publications:

📚Ella’s honours research on understanding #audience in #sciencecommunication

📚Isabel’s contributions to an #essay about using #textualanalysis to studying #science in #popularculture

📚Isabel’s work in a #research article on #telegraphy, #industrialarcheology and #cybernetics

I need to be clear that my #math skills are embarrassingly limited and something I've always struggled with as an #ADD and dyslexic person. Going through school, subject after subject was presented as, "Now memorize this because you have to." Which was not very compelling without the context of what it can really be used for. I tried, I got high marks, but I wasn't included in the better classes with better teachers which created a cycle of disinterest.

As I read, "Dark hero of the information age : in search of Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics" which tells the stories of how mathematics, biology, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, and computing were brought together to holistically in the 1940s to examine problems that span subject matter, it makes me want to go back and restart my mathematics journey looking at the contextual challenges those solutions were applied to. I think I could probably overcome many of my limitations by taking a different learning route.

Does anyone have other interesting books on mathematicians or resources that can build up math skills with independent study? Are there corners of the #fediverse that I can look at? I would appreciate recommendations.

I don't ever expect to be very good, but I would like to challenge myself to be more mathematically capable if I take the time to learn more behind the equations themselves.

i'm rehydrating my 20 year old readings on cybernetics, with some history i didn't know of back then.

TIL stafford beer and dozens of chilean programmers and engineers built a cybernetic economy simulation computer and software, designed to help coordinate/plan Chile's manufacturing sector and economy in 1975. it ran custom software on an IBM 360, which collected data from 500 telex machines, operated by factory employees.

the control room, designed by gui bonsiepe, is a modernist wonder to behold (this illustration is uncredited)

So - there is more #happines to spread:

I am happy to inform you that #Komona invited my to have my talk "Burn, planet, burn?" at the #38C3 !

TNX!- Especially bc I was taken a much needed #holiday when the official #cfp was happening

Looking forward to meet & discuss with the #ccc lot!

Lets discuss #power #technology #sustainability #cybernetics #counterinsurgency and #resistance

Bc this #planet is to #wonderful to let it burn!

PS: bring your #masks to spread only happiness & resistance

The book "The Limits to Growth"¹ from 1972 is one of the most important texts of the environmental movement. It is also interesting for its role in computer science and cybernetics history because it is based on a computer model of the whole world called World3².


en.wikipedia.orgThe Limits to Growth - Wikipedia

The difference between 1st order and 2nd order cybernetics. My recollection is that this has been pointed out at the beginning of Cybernetics (during the constituting congresses, as reported by Wiener). Wiener, on the other hand, was a black-boxing curve-fitter, not understanding that he was part of a predictive system, the model updating agent, himself.

At the MIT Wiener's ideas lived on for a long time, creating misconceptions about intelligence.
#cybernetics #AI #RobertRosen