Okay, expert on severe dyslexia.
Any special software or tools that help with writing. I have an established routine which seems to work, but I am always open to new things.
Okay, expert on severe dyslexia.
Any special software or tools that help with writing. I have an established routine which seems to work, but I am always open to new things.
Co-occurrence of #ADHD, #dyslexia, and/or #dyscalculia sometimes feels like salt on the wound. The underlying reasons that happen are not well understood, but it might be genes that influence common traits across multiple #LearningDisabilities.
Saturday 230 - #Neurodivergent meetup at @ Aeronaut #SomervilleMA free but register
#ADHD #Autism #dyslexia #neurospicy #boston #BostonWeekend 6/x
An instant upgrade for my website & an #accessibility win. This font is hyperlegible, #dyslexia friendly, free to use and (bonus) - looks gorgeous.
While reactionary dinosaurs like Hitchens seem to wonder why life didn’t just stay caught in the aspic of their blinkered 1950’s childhood…Cambridge researchers believe that #dyslexia actually played a key part in human survival, exploration, invention and creativity.
Having worked with many innovative dyslexics I know where my money is. And yes, one of those is my partner, a librarian.
I’m sure Peter Hitchens writes vile stuff in the Daily Fail most weeks, but this has belatedly caught my eye from a few days ago.
He’s decided that #Dyslexia and #ADHD don’t exist.
He’s blaming parents and teachers for not teaching kids how to read.
A quick online search reveals he’s been spouting this pet theory since the mid noughties.
Zero evidence. Just spite.
what if... neurotypicals and neurospicy people are the remnants of archaic subspecies? What would a neurospicy tribal encampment have looked like before it got swamped by the waves of migrating neurotypicals? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #adhd
I ask periodically but haven't found an answer yet. My partner has dyslexia, and I definitely don't have that (I can easily help her spell any word she asks), but I when typing I transpose S/2/5, 1/L and of course 0/O. I also substitute words like suitcase/briefcase. I also reverse the order of letters. When reading, numbers in particular, the digits seem to shift around, and if a digit is repeated I struggle to count how many times it is repeated. Is there a name for this? #actuallyAutistic #dyslexia #brain #neuroscience
@SecondUniverse you've got it.
I follow #dyslexia. There isn't as much content as I'd like.
What tags do I follow for #dyslexia content?
One of the fun parts about being #dyslexic is you make up your own words all the time…
This morning, my brain decided my Yeti mug is now my YEETI mug.
On Tuesday I had the privilege of speaking at Oxford’s EDI Roundtable on #Neurodiversity. It’s inspiring to see the university breaking down barriers so neurodivergent students and staff feel they belong and thrive. More than 140 attendees joined thought-provoking discussions on policy, experience and inclusion. Fantastic to see this momentum continue! Huge thanks to all involved. Photos by Olivia Gaskin. #HigherEducation #Oxford #ADHD #Dyslexia #Dyspraxia #Autism #Inclusion #Belonging
@itsfoss not really, I rather úse arch, not ínstall it. Installing is the neccicary evil.
Dyslactia dislextia dieslektic dislexik dislexic byslexia dislexic bilextie bislexia byslexic dislekzik dislecksick
Just trying to create a catch-all post for any other lost dyslexics struggling to find the correct spelling of dyslexic because of their dyslexia preventing them from finding other folks sharing their struggle with dyslexia.
The correct spelling: #dyslexia #dyslexic
Additional suggestions welcome.
Don't mix up #WireShark and #WireGuard: One is for analyzing #networktraffic and the other one is for hiding and encrypting network traffic (besides other things).
And yes, I verbally mix them up often enough even though I know exactly which one does what. Seems to be a #dyslexia thing.
#WritersCoffeeClub How do you format your drafts? Is it the same as the final manuscript?
I write in big fat open dyslexic font. White letters on black background. Which is obviously not the final manuscript, but perhaps I'll format one specifically with dyslexia in mind one day.
"dyslexia simulators'' spread misinformation.
these "simulators" typically show letters being swapped around within words.
but #dyslexia is not a visual processing disorder. a person reading in Braille will still be dyslexic. a person reading in a language with no alphabet, like Chinese, will still be dyslexic.
people with dyslexia are #neurodivergent.
we don't have "simulators" for other neurodivergencies, like autism or adhd.
#a11y folks, we don't need them for dyslexia either.
Children who struggle in school.
Five common support measures used in educational settings… that may help the children & young people a bit less than intended. In fact, that may even make things worse!
A thread