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80 messages48 participants11 messages aujourd’hui

"The US state department is undertaking a widespread visa-review process, revoking hundreds of visas and placing hundreds more under scrutiny, targeting mostly foreign nationals engaged in pro-Palestine activism, according to official statements."

@palestine #Palestine #USpol #immigration #academia #education

The Guardian · Rubio boasts of canceling more than 300 visas over pro-Palestine protestsPar Joseph Gedeon

I'm trying to read a #Neuroscience paper published by #Wiley and it's showing me a banner that says only "healthcare professionals" should be reading the paper. What's up with that? Researchers are not allowed to read papers anymore? 🤔

Impossible to find a way to contact Wiley about it, but maybe someone out there will know them and might be able to ask what is happening?

The paper: Locomotor action sequences impact the scale of
representation in hippocampus and posterior parietal cortex
#NitzLab #WileyOnlineLibrary #Academia

Always been uncomfortable about the use of generative AI in the medical sphere. Whether that's doctors using it for researching patient symptoms or a hospital using AI to manage their waiting lists. There are of course other use cases, and this is one of them.

If you're using generative AI in research, be very, very skeptical of any references, double check the papers actually made it to publication and are still published!

Any reasonable academic career advisor would just laugh at my biography.

Unable to find tenure, Sw. fast universitetsanställning, but able to get small cash grants with no overhead, I defaulted to writing a tall stack of academic books and journal papers and outreach articles. Because despite my best efforts the labour market refused to keep me gainfully employed. I've mostly not even made it into the precariat!

Suite du fil

Update. "The #RoyalSociety has decided not to take disciplinary action against Elon #Musk [who is a fellow of the society] over his conduct, saying that to do so could cause damage to the academy and science itself."

PS: The RS is not considering how the 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘶𝘳𝘦 to take disciplinary action is damaging the academy, science, and of course the RS itself. It's also saying that its own code of conduct counts for nothing.


The Guardian · Royal Society decides not to take disciplinary action against Elon MuskPar Nicola Davis

Lorna Finlayson on academic cowardice

"... But viewed from another angle, their failure to defend their own collective interest makes more sense: the collective is not their concern. If the goal is to get ahead of the next guy, then a general deterioration of conditions is a cost that can be borne. For all the heart-rending laments from academics about the state of the universities, the reality may be still more depressing. Maybe they like what they see."

SidecarLorna Finlayson, The Sycophant — SidecarOn academics.

- A pretty great collection of ways to spin up a quick local static server
- Why: in order to preview a locally rendered #Quarto website with Observable JS with all functionality, it needs to run on a local server (cannot just preview the HTML anymore)
- So, if you have your Quarto website that uses OJS, just navigate to your rendered directory (e.g. _site) and run e.g. `uvx python -m http.server 8000`. There is your website with full reactivity.

What came out of it: You can now select the Big Publishing company of your choice for my rejection template for review requests by them ;)

Big list of http static server one-liners. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
GistBig list of http static server one-linersBig list of http static server one-liners. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.