Going to start a wee gallery on my blog called 'view from the bench'. This'll be one of the first images.
Going to start a wee gallery on my blog called 'view from the bench'. This'll be one of the first images.
Looking across the Kilbrannan Sound to the Kintyre Peninsula from the peaceful and picturesque settlement of Pirnmill on the Isle of Arran. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/arran/pirnmill/index.html
The Druid Auchencar standing stone, Isle of Arran Scotland. The stone is red sandstone 5m high and very thin. Unlike Machrie Moor this stone is pointed and rough more like a Callanish stone than an Arran one. This stone has veiws of the mountains and the sea, it would be very visible from out at sea. "A second broken and recumbent stone lies nearby to the south, 27ft long and 5ft 6ins at the base".
The island of Pladda, south of Arran, seen in tranquil evening light from Kildonan, which lies at the south-eastern extremity of the Isle of Arran. Pladda's name comes, for obvious reasons, from the Norse for "Flat Isle". More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/arran/kildonan/index.html
The strikingly located Lochranza Castle, standing on a spit of land projecting out into Loch Ranza near the northern end of the Isle of Arran. The origins of the castle date back to the 1200s, though much of it was built in the 1400s. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/arran/lochranzacastle/index.html