A famous
#StainedGlass window, at
#StGilesCathedral in
The window tells the story of the 1570 assassination of the Earl of Moray, who had the ignoble honor of being the first politician to be assassinated by a gun.
The top panel shows him getting shot by James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh (a man who was angry that his family had been evicted from their home by Moray). Hamilton later escaped safely to France, and members of Moray's political enemies (kin to
#MaryQueenOfScots ) were tried and convicted of taking part in the conspiracy.
The bottom panel shows his funeral, officiated by Rev. John Knox (who made an exception to his Protestant Reformationist beliefs in order to speak at the funeral).
This window was made in 1881 by James Ballatine and Son. Links and more information about the many beautiful windows at St. Giles are in the comments below.
#Scotland #ScottishHistory #FensterFreitag #Window #WindowFriday #Cathedrals #StainedGlassWindows #TheReformation #History #StGilesCathedral #JohnKnox #EarlOfMoray