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New episode of #TalkingPostgres #podcast 🎙️ (we're up to Ep25!)

Dawn Wages @BajoranEngineer: #Django dev, Python Software Foundation board chair, & author of upcoming book "Domain-driven Django"—joined the pod to chat about why so many Python developers Just Use Postgres

Give it a listen wherever you get your podcasts. And give it a boost 🚀!

Dawn is a gem & this conversation was FUN. #PostgreSQL #OpenSource #Python #Postgres



Happy Pi-Day: Python’s π-zza Party

Heute ist der 14. März. Wegen der seltsamen Datumsdarstellung der US-Amerikaner, den Monat vor den Tag zu stellen, wird er dort auch 3/14 geschrieben. Da dies die ersten 3 Ziffern der Kreiszahl π sind, wird dieser Tag seit 1988 zuerst in den USA und mittlerweile weltweit als Pi-Tag gefeiert. #Mathematik #Python #CreativeCoding #VPython #Pygame #piday

Calculate #pi with #python for #piday


from decimal import *
import sys

getcontext().prec = 40

c = 0
s = Decimal(1);
pi = Decimal(3);

n = int(sys.argv[1])

for i in range(2, n * 2, 2):
pi = pi + s * (Decimal(4) / (Decimal(i) * (Decimal(i) + Decimal(1)) * (Decimal(i) + Decimal(2))))
s = -1 * s
c = c + 1
print (c, (pi))

Ustedes no lo notan, pero #python es severo cáncer. Y programe con #pycharm y verá lo que es la lentitud.

No solo estaríamos en marte sino que estaría reforestado si python no existiera.

Una hora instalando pandas, numpy y y no acaba...

Me va a tocar desobedecer y trabajar en vscode aunque la empresa diga otra cosa

He modificat #appy evitant repetir les mateixes línies de codi que verifiquen el token d'accés de l'aplicació client en els punts finals de l'API on es requereix un token d'accés.
El resultat final estalvia 537 línies.

So I'm trying to build python from source because the target box doesn't have the latest available as a package. This is fine, like it's a known thing, but I always try to use the latest version of Python for new projects because it increases the amount of time between writing it and needing to do the upgrade process. Plus newer Pythons come with nice features.

Then I get this baffling error which is: /home/matdevdug/Python-3.13.2/Lib/test/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\N'
self.assertEqual(f'{b"\N{OX}"=}', 'b"\\N{OX}"=b\'\\\\N{OX}\'')

I check test_fstring and yeah seems to be a legit warning. So I google it and find this: which is basically "yeah we should suppress SyntaxWarning in test_fstring".

I'm a little surprised that the current latest release of a non .0 version of Python doesn't exit clean with "sudo make altinstall". This is the first time in maybe a dozen times of doing this that I've encountered a problem.

Does anyone know the "right way" to fix this? I can obviously just make the test pass, but I don't know if there's a better way to do it. #python #make

Bug report Bug description: This is a failure during the set of tests performed during build of 3.13.2: default: 0:00:22 load avg: 1.70 [18/44] test_fstring default: /root/Python-3.13.2/Lib/test/te... SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence · Issue #129693 · python/cpythonPar utkonos