(Neo)vim snippet of the day: if you want to only sometimes LSP-format, and easily turn it on and off with commands:
(Neo)vim snippet of the day: if you want to only sometimes LSP-format, and easily turn it on and off with commands:
I created a crib sheet for the #Helix text editor:
As usual I intended the new page to be compact and concise; and as usual it ended up being huge and rambling. Hopefully it'll still be of use to people who aren't fully familiar with the most useful keys and commands. (And just maybe of vague interest to #Neovim users who are thinking about trying Helix.)
Let me know if you spot anything incorrect.
De mano del compa @codeDude muestra en un video "corto" las config de su #neovim https://video.hardlimit.com/w/e5NQ5kEFgeTwBUQxxJqRip
Nice little utility for using uv as a package manager and runner for python in Neovim
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/benomahony/uv.nvim
Really gotta finish up the task of pulling my #Neovim keybindings into VSCode, or, in other words, “bringing my whole self to work”.
#neovim Development News
The 0.11 version will have `vim.highlight` module renamed to `vim.hl` with full backwards compatibility until Nvim 1.0.
There is no immediate action needed, but better to keep this in mind.
- github.com/neovim/neovi...
refactor: rename vim.highlight...
Vim tip for today
There is a trick in the substitute command `:s` to use an empty search pattern to reuse the previous one. Example!
to use the word under the cursor as a search pattern
visaul selection around the paragraph
substitute previous pattern "eslint_d" with "deno"
So many little tricks in this tip today!
@jakehamilton how do you install plug-ins for #neovim that aren't in #nixvim btw?
I need #notion plug-in because people at work delude themselves that they will manage to keep an up-to-date notion knowledge base, but I'm using #nvix, which is a wrapper around #nixvim, so I'd like to gauge roughly how much time should I allocate to figuring out how to install a plugin.
The grug-far neovim plugin can now integrate ast-grep and provide structural find-and-replace: https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/1j65l0f/grugfarnvim_now_has_astgrep_yaml_rules_support/
Ayé, dans le TGV pour le #tupperVim parisien ce soir ! Ça se passe chez #Moji à Nanterre, de 19h jusque tard. On y parlera #Vim, #Neovim, #CLI…
Pour attendre les Vimistes, on a prévu d’apporter nos claviers préférés pour les faire essayer. J’ai emporté mes deux claviers préférés du moment, un #Atreus et un #Keymini.
Il est encore possible de s’inscrire ici :
So there are these guys who install #Arch and use #vim or #emacs and they think they are powerful #Unix gods. One such being is me myself.
I never had to reboot my computer or close the terminal to quit #neovim
But last night, I was using my #FreeBSD machine. I thought I watch a movie so I installed #mpv and upon starting it, I could not quit. The solution was powering off and rebooting my machine. Devastating, isn't it?
So dear Arch users, or #Gentoo users who think they are really geeky geeks and very brave. Give #BSDs a try :)
Took the #Vim (and #Neovim) syntax highlighting plugin for #Hurl (https://hurl.dev/) files from their repo's contrib/ directory and made it into an actual Vim package that can be installed by simply cloning the repo, or adding a submodule to your dotfiles, whatever.
I think any large interesting program you might write could well have an embedded language within it, in which the user can write stuff that is just as good, and just as deep as built-in functionality. You want this. It’s a thing that makes programs compelling.
In #Vim, that embedded language is #VimScript. In #emacs, that’s #elisp (which in fact, I think the whole thing is written in). In a #smalltalk environment, you control the entire environment with Smalltalk, just as elisp applies to Emacs. For many, many things, that language is #lua ( #NeoVim, many games, #pandoc, #redis, this list goes on).
I used to think there were really two reasonable mainstream languages you could use here: #Python or #javascript. Between those two, for a long time I felt that JavaScript was the winner. I think that has changed as Python has gotten faster, more powerful, and better known. But also, I think the answer might actually not be either of these two. It might be Lua. Lua is simpler and faster than either JavaScript or Python. It’s more embeddable. It’s designed specifically for this purpose. It’s in much wider use as an embedded scripting language. I don’t want Lua to be the answer. I like Python better. But I think Lua actually is the right answer.
Hey #VimWizards,
Is there an easy way to set an option like "cursorline" from the commandline, like vim -o "set cursorline" file.txt
(I know that's not what -o
does, at least in nvim
'Y' on #neovim is confusing my muscles; traditional vi mixes up two vi concepts; capital command (e.g. D,A,C) work from the current point to the end of the line, while doubled commands (e.g. dd,cc,yy) do the whole line; but on vi 'Y' yanks the whole line, on #vim it's switchable but the default is the vi (and my wrists) behaviour, neovim defaults to the logical 'Y' yanking to the end of the line.
Nanterre: TupperVim, Le mercredi 12 mars 2025 de 19h00 à 22h00. https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/32083 #tuppervim #vim #atelier #initiation #séance #neovim #libre #réunion
Coder sur Neovim avec un agent IA (CodeCompanion)
Petite démonstration de codage d'une application Python directement sous Neovim, assisté par CodeCompanion, un agent IA intégré.
Qui a dit que l'on ne pouvait pas développer avec Neovim
Forget about actual error messages, embrace syntax gaslighting:
I have a nice set of plugins in #NeoVim. But there are two things I want. I want better autocomplete. I want to have language constructs as text-objects: functions, classes, blocks, context-managers. I especially want this for #Python. I think I want it to use the LSP. I think I also want it for #Rust. For the autocomplete part there are two different things (completely unrelated) that have "coq" in the name. I think the one I want is "coq_nvim". Not sure yet about LSP-driven navigation. I welcome opinions and experiences.