Endlich sind die Sonnenuntergänge bei der Feierabendrunde wieder da Wie habe ich die doch den Winter über vermisst!
Endlich sind die Sonnenuntergänge bei der Feierabendrunde wieder da Wie habe ich die doch den Winter über vermisst!
Since I don't have the matching GoPro adapter to attach my bicycle headlight to the new "cockpit", I designed my own custom mounting point in #FreeCAD.
It's basically just a round section (22mm in diameter, 21mm long) where I can attach the standard light mount to. Simple, yet effective.
"Papa, kannst du mir hier bei den Bügelperlen helfen? --- Na klar, aber nur kurz, dann muss ich wirklich zur Arbeit."
Das war gelogen, also nur so halb. Der Sonnenaufgang und die Feldwege fordern halt auch etwas Zeit ein, das lässt sich schwer vermeiden. Ich bin ein suboptimaler Papa ;o)
Hey, bin #neuhier
- #GenX
- mag kein Fleisch auf dem Teller
- zum abschalten auf dem #gravelbike unterwegs
- automäßig vollelektisch aber #notesla
- liebe #reisen mit Mann & Mieze im #wohnmobil
- Team "Meer"
- Vollzeit Daten-Monk
Tja, und die politische Situation macht mich gerade ziemlich kirre!
After torturing LibreOffice Calc with the boring task of calculating the ratios for every possible combination of a 40T / 38T chainring and an 11-42T / 11-46T cassette, I've decided to swap both: the (original) 40T (round) chainring for a 38T (oval) one, and the (original) 11-42T cassette for an 11-46T. A short test ride today confirmed that it was the right choice — exactly what I had hoped for! Climbs like a goat.
Die erste Fahrt: 800km von Dresden nach Hannover als direkte Überführung für das neue Rad. So hat Jan-Hendrik sein Bordure Custom Titan Gravelbike eingeweit. Probefahrt? Nicht nötig. Das Rad passt! Sein neues Custombike kommt mit Campa Ekar Gruppe, und Farbakzenten in "limegreen." Edel!
#bikeshop #gravelbike #newbikeday #bikepacking
Es bleibt dabei, mein rotes Sour „Clueless“ ist das Rad, welches am meisten umgebaut wird.
Jetzt wieder im #Gravel Modus. #gravelbike #sourbikes
Today's ride ended up unusually muddy for andalusia. Felt like cyclocross again.
It was dark when I came home.
I also got some new chain whip that isn't a chain whip for the first time.
Frame geometry comparison between my current gravel bike and several contenders.
The goal is to find a new bike that I enjoy riding on and off the road equally. I understand such a bike will not excel at anything in particular and would never ride as well as a pure road or off road bike in their respective departments. I really love how my current bike ride both on and off the road but a longer wheelbase wouldn't be a bad thing off the road.
What do you guys think?
Note: I am currently using a non setback seatpost on my gravel bike, 2cm of spacers on top of the head tube and the top of my saddle is 210mm above the top of the seattube so I have room.
What would you choose for a versatile, durable and comfortable any road + light trails bicycle with some carrying capabilities?
Any owner of one of these on the Fediverse ? Boosts appreciated.
15F & 20mph winds (-9c & 32 kph) but still a great day for a ride.
The map will be a great help to me. Coming from #sydslesvig, I'm often travelling north for a few hours with my #gravelbike. And then I'd like to go back by train and I'm not quite sure how the Danish rail network is organised. Your map will help here in future.