'My wife asked why I carry a gun around the house.
I looked at her and said "Spyware". She laughed, I laughed, Alexa laughed, I shot Alexa, it was a good time."
#Amazon #spyware #Alexa #Echo #HomeAssistant
Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28
Amazon's latest bait-and-switch is shockingly bad. If you have Amazon Echo devices, say goodbye to privacy in your own home. Soon you'll be forced into a subscription where you pay for them to record everything you say and feed it to Amazon's Alexa LLM / AI training.
There's never been a better time to switch to private, secure, on-premises home automation and voice assistants such as Home Assistant.
@arstechnica that's why i use #homeassistant in a vlan without regular internet access.
Nouvelle expérimentation sous #Yunohost
Une intégration réussie d'un grand nombre de composants
#domotique #zigbee
Capteurs température
Contrôle chaudière frisquet
Contrôle onduleur pv abb
Contrôle nas qnap
Contrôle nas Synology
Contrôle nas OpenMediaVault
Contrôle prise zigbee
Intégration diagral alarme à venir
Afterwards I checked my #HomeAssistant energy monitoring data (provided by an Emporia Vue 2 flashed with #ESPHome). The yellow line is the voltage on one 120V leg from the transformer (the one that was going to burn up), and the blue line is the voltage on the other 120V leg.
The three sections of the graph are during the problem, while the power is out, and after the new transformer was installed.
One morning recently, I got up and went downstairs. My wife told me that the UPS in the basement (powering my server) was making a bunch of noise. I groaned and checked on it. It was indeed turning on and off a few times per minute and had been doing this for a few hours according to #HomeAssistant.
I ignored it and got ready for work. When I started work a bit later, I realized that the UPS in my home office was doing the same thing.
Stupidly I just bypassed the UPS and plugged into the wall.
he afegit Mataró Ràdio a Radio Browser!
Ara ja la puc afegir a #HomeAssistant
The food dispenser for my cat needs replacement. Looking for a model that allows on-premises remote programming and control (NOT a proprietary smartphone app). Any ideas? #HomeAssistant compatible devices welcome. #FutterAutomat #CatFoodDispenser
The process of deGoogling my life, as an Android user, is proving to be really, really annoying.
But the last thing I need to sort out is file and photo sync! Then I can literally remove (most of) the Google apps from my phone. Unfortunately, we're still in the Google ecosystem for smart lights in our home. We'll get there.
#HomeAssistant is on the list of things to do.
Gibt es eigentlich auch Zwischenstecker, die den Verbrauch messen können, in ein #Smarthome #Homeassistant eingebunden werden können und NICHT schaltbar sind?
Hatte zuletzt einen #Shelly der aber einmal flöten ging und damit auch den Kühlstrank/Tiefkühler stromlos setzte...
#Fedihelp vielen lieben Dank
Perfect (and free) synchronous multiroom audio
Home Assistant officiellement certifié Matter http://dlvr.it/TJSFcr #HomeAssistant #Matter
I did something wrong in #HomeAssistant, maybe somebody knows how to fix it. I have a setup with speakers plugged in to the machine HAOS is running on, and a setup to play internet radio via those speakers. I also have those same speakers use text to speech for announcements and reminders. Both functions use VLC. Suddenly, any time it plays a text to speech, after it speaks, it plays whatever internet radio I had last been listening to. I switched from just play/pause to actual stop, no change.
I want to add a sensor to my dumb lock. I don't want a smart lock. I'm thinking two wires that get connected when the door is locked - but apparently this doesn't exist, and I'm not much of a hardware person... I've seen this requested a few places, but no actual off the shelf product. It seems like an obvious sensor... Does anyone know of one?
(New server, new #introduction .)
I'm a newcomer to #portland #pdx. I moved here after living in #austin #austinTX for over 30 years.
I'm interested in #openSource #linux #selfHosted #homeAutomation #homeAssistant
I advocate for #civicTech #openData #communityTech
I like #libraries #classicalGuitar
I occasionally post photos of #cooking, #bread, #pizza, and Franklin the #cat. You're welcome.
@balkonsolar das ist eine Ulanzi Smart Pixel clock mit AWTRIX 3 Open Source Firmware. https://www.ulanzi.de/products/ulanzi-pixel-smart-uhr-2882
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