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154 messages137 participants11 messages aujourd’hui

Good morning. 🐶🍚☕

20 March 2025

I was up before four this morning because Ben needed to go to the bathroom. He sat outside the bedroom door barking until I got up, but I don’t mind—I’d much rather he bark than the alternative. I watched him venture cautiously into the yard, hesitant to go too far. Being an old dog, his eyesight isn’t what it used to be, and the darkness makes it even harder for him. He kept glancing back at the lighted doorway, as if to reassure himself that it was still there. Once the dogs were back inside, I fell asleep in my recliner until Charlie started waking me around seven. As usual, we had our morning battle of wills for about half an hour before I finally got up to feed them.

"I learned from my dog long before I went to Gombe that we weren't the only beings with personalities. What the chimps did was help me to persuade others." - Jane Goodall

Did you know that when backing the game Unleashed, you can get add-ons?

- "Lost at sea," my 1-6 players TTRPG that uses playing cards and tabletop games design to ease the discovery of RPG.

- "Death in Berlin," a Cold War solo TTRPG of intrigue and espionage.

- "Aces of the Adriatic," a solo TTRPG about hydroplanes and melancholy.

- And more!

Go check

BackerKitUnleashed - A solo/multiplayer TTRPG zine about doggos doing heists.Ready to commit the paw-fect crime. In this TTRPG for one or more players, you will take on the role of canine criminals robbing from the rich to feed the strays.

New #introduction post!

I'm Alicia and I'm a fibre artist (#dyeing #handspinning #felting #needlefelting #weaving #crochet #embroidery #upcycling #sewing) with interests in #mandala #art #psychedelicart #sacredgeometry #neurographicart and #watercolors.

My family and I run a business called @Fibre2Fabric where we dye all sorts of exotic #fibre #yarn, and #fabric.

I live in the country with my partner and our 6 #cats, 3 #dogs, #snake and #crestedgecko where I enjoy my many interests. (#gardening #plants #herbalism #fungi #music #ukulele #piano #dancing #flowart #reading #writing #tarot #poetry #haiku #cozygames and I'm getting more into #opensource / #linux)

When I say flow art, I mean spinning props like #hulahoop #leviwand #puppyhammer #poi #staff #silkfans #firefans etc.

I love #languagelearning. I studied #German and #Spanish as a kid, took #Japanese in uni, and I'm currently studying #ASL #Cree #Tokipona #Spanish and #Chinese. I also dabble in #French and #Latin sometimes and I'm learning #Greggshorthand to write faster. Cree is my favourite language and Spanish is my second.

I've been cursed since childhood with that lovely trifecta of #heds #pots and #mcas. Healing slowly but surely.

Hope I get to meet even more cool people the algorithms would normally drown out on other social media sites. I love it here!


13:00 (Hora de Argentina)
Hace un poco de calor, y Nala decidió que era momento de relajarse. No conforme con una silla, tomó dos para echar su largo cuerpo de perro Dachshund. Por alguna razón, hoy no quiso ser un rollito de salchicha 😂😂
¡Qué mejor que tener un momento de relax frente a la ventana! Y así poder ladrar a los transeúntes.
No importa cuán relajada esté, la Hotdog es fiel a su labor de deleitarnos con sus majestuosos ladridos.

Fotografía a ciegas. Sí, fui yo quien tomó las fotos. 👩🏽‍🦯🥰✨🌭🐕🐶📸