To explain: Apple withdrew ADP from the UK, which means the UK can continue to request any data they like regarding UK citizens.
The problem is that the UK claimed jurisdiction over Apple encryption globally, saying the UK had a right to request any data from Apple from anyone across the globe they have an interest in.
Sign the petition against the UK government actions here #apple #adp #e2ee #encryption #privacy
Apple in court contesting the UK government attempt to *globally backdoor* their encryption #apple #adp #e2ee #encryption #privacy
#PrivacyInternational’s letter to the #UK #HomeOffice demanding transparency on Technical Capability Notices
With the whole #ukpol on #e2ee forcing #apple to disable #adp and #usa going mad under #trump many seem to switch to #Signal over #WhatsApp.
But it seems still most people do not realize that if you use #Outlook, #Gmail, #Yahoo etc those very same governments have full access to everything that ever went through your mailbox.
Over at @privacyguides we have some good recommendations to switch to.
End-to-end #encryption battle continues.
#Apple appeals a United Kingdom government order to create a back door in the #iCloud storage service. As we learned last month, those pesky Brits are demanding Apple break its end-to-end encryption, also known as Advanced Data Protection (#ADP).
(We only know this because secret sources spoke to Tim Bradshaw and Lucy Fisher. Said secret sources revealed the secret complaint to the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal, appealing the secret order—in secret.)
As always with attempts to break #E2EE, the math ain’t mathing. In #SBBlogwatch, we worry about dumb pols:
...Because the #HomeOffice is trying to get a global backdoor, and #Apple has now withdrawn #ADP from the ?
Cyber security tips for barris...
The National Cyber Security Centre is generally excellent. But it seems that between 23 and 27 Feb, it took down its security advice for law firms (a key attack point given their access to sensitive client documents) which (rightly) highlighted Apple’s Advanced Data Protection #ADP… Because the Home Office is trying to get a global backdoor, and Apple has now withdrawn the service from the
The #UK Government Forced #Apple to Remove Advanced Data Protection: What Does This Mean for You?
@gateklons @matthew_d_green #Apple needs to make transparent the risk to #iMessage users when sending something to a recipient who’s using non-#ADP #iCloud to back them up h/t @mikarv
The #DNI letter re: #Apple #ADP backdoor #TCN from
Yes indeed, former Defence Secretary. And law enforcement/intelligence agencies use those tools too (see #Encrochat in particular.) So exactly what data is it the
cops/spooks can’t get access to due to Apple’s #ADP? #TCN
#Apple and the long secret arm of the #UK Government
How the #UK is Weakening Safety Worldwide
@matthew_d_green Great article! Minor points: it’s *His* Majesty’s Govt since Charles succeeded his mother #Apple has indeed said they will force existing UK users over time to turn off #ADP or lose their #iCloud account. And wigs likely will be involved in legal proceedings, either at the Investigatory Powers Tribunal #IPT (even worse than #FISC) or administrative courts /cc @jessicashurson @jessicashurson @csoghoian @susansegfault @Privacymatters
#Apple pulls end-to-end #encryption in #UK, spurning backdoors for gov’t spying
Apple pulls iCloud end-to-end encryption feature for UK users after government demanded backdoor
#Apple désactive le chiffrement de bout en bout #ADP sur son #icloud après avoir refusé de fournir une porte dérobée exigée par le gouv britannique.
Cette exigence du gouv est une première dans une démocratie. Préparons nous à défendre chèrement nos droits à la vie privée dans d'autres pays.
Et, une fois de plus, ne nous laissons pas enfermer dans les écosystèmes privateurs de liberté des #Gafam