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George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> on Market Day in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>Two young humans (7?) are peering at the plants at a carnivorous plant stall. One looks at the other speculatively and says: "Do you think they eat people?" The other says confidently: "Probably not, like. Well... Maybe your finger if you let it."</p><p>At an outdoor Zumba class. A woman (50s?) in a gold sequinned jacket, reef sandals and a long black skirt has joined in. She's up the front of the class. She knows all the moves. hands in the air, hips swinging. This is her jam!</p><p>At a vegan food truck a man (40s?) is looking at the menu while talking to his teen who's decided she wants a burger. Getting his wallet out, ready to pay he says in a 'Dad trying to be supportive' way: "So what's in these vegan patties, d'ya think? Is it just not meat?"</p><p>A couple (40s?) have stepped out of a crowded market thoroughfare and one is carefully helping the other remove an eyelash from her eye. He saves the day and gets a quick smooch in return before they go back to browsing, arms wrapped cosily around each other's waists.</p><p>An elderly border collie is being ferried through the market on a bike trailer. He's holding court and returns pats from old and new friends with licks on the backs of their hands. A benevolent prince greeting his adoring subjects. </p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are definitely the type of typo that will eat fingers if given a chance. If spotted, please give them a pat on the top of their head before they go on their way.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at a Small City Fringe Festival in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>A stand up comedian (30s?) takes to the stage and sees his mum and dad sitting in the front row. He gives them a cheeky "Oh you guys!" smile then gets on with a flawless show. Big laughs. Mum and Dad looking very proud.</p><p>At a delightful, warm, heartfelt (and sexy) show called "Bottom Surgery" the audience has dressed up for a safe night out with people they love. They're looking gorgeous, they're feeling seen. The show opens with a burlesque fan dance and the cheers hit the ceiling. So much aroha* in the room.</p><p>At a truly mesmerizing interpretive dance performance tracking the artist's observations of her mother living with dementia, the room is transfixed. The show ends and audience members leave with contemplative expressions. This one's gonna stay with people. </p><p>At an raucous accordion show, a woman (70s?) with resting stern face, looks vaguely bemused as people around her roar along to the words to My Neck, My Back. But then the performer starts playing Mama Mia. This is HER SONG. Huge grin, body relaxes, she's belting out the words with glee.</p><p>(Continues Below)</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>A small human (3?) wearing a cowboy hat is sitting at an outside cafe table with his mum. He's served a plate of hot chips and immediately manages to paint his face and hands with tomato sauce, holding his saucy fingers up. Loving the effect.</p><p>Two men (40s) the very definition of "blokes" stop outside a bubble tea cafe. One says: "You tried this stuff mate? It's pretty sweet."<br>The second: "Oh yeah?"<br>The first: "Yeah!"<br>The second: "Yeah?"<br>The first: "Yeah!"<br>The second nods thoughtfully and grins: "Yeah... Alright. Yeah. I'm game."</p><p>A couple (30s?) dressed for a night out are skipping arm in arm down the street towards some outside pub seating. Their friends see them coming and cheer them on. They arrive for hugs and hellos. Laughter and friendship on a warm Autumn evening.</p><p>A woman (late teens?) in Gothic Lolita fashion is walking down the street. She seems a little self conscious but she's rocking the look. People grinning as she passes. </p><p>A woman (20s?) is chilling with a friend at an outside cafe table. She says earnestly: "I don't really know how to do people. But I like being near people. But I don't want to TALK to people. Is that bad?" Her friend laughs and says "No!"</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are Proximity Typos who like to be near correct spelling, but don't want to interact with it. If spotted, they'll be rocking their best square brackets and stopping for bubble tea because it's pretty sweet. Yeah.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at a Small City Fringe Festival in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>A comic play ends with a sexy elephant doing a strip tease. The crowd is ambushed by glorious ridiculousness. Howls of laughter. A man (80s?) wiping tears from his eyes says: "What the bloody hell did I just watch?!"</p><p>A comedy show about physics ends and the comedian asks for questions. A teen asks one and multiple physics geeks are visibly answering under their breath before the comedian collects his thoughts. Must. Get. The Science. Right! </p><p>After a rollercoaster spoken-word performance, a group of people (60s+?) are standing outside the theatre talking thoughtfully. One soft spoken man (70s?) earnestly says: "I didn't understand most of it, but I felt very warm towards the performer. So I think that's alright."</p><p>At an improv show, the audience is asked if they'd like to volunteer stories for the performers. They deliver magnificently. Embarrassing Nudist dads! Bulls chasing horse riders! Experiencing a successful crash landing! It's a cornucopia of wonderful material. The vibe is gentle fun.</p><p>A couple (30s?) are standing outside a theatre. One is eating brownie from the snack bar. His partner says: "Didn't you just have ice cream?"<br>He says: "Yeah but in buying this I'm a patron of the arts, so it doesn't count."</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are somewhat batty after seeing 12 (14?) shows in the space of six days with twelve more to go! If spotted, please ignore the brownie crumbs down their shirt.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>A man (80s?) is leaning heavily on hiking poles while walking with his elderly three-legged dog. They might not be fast going, but they are fast friends. Taking their time, admiring the view. A river unhurriedly gurgling along nearby. </p><p>A small human (3?) has walked up behind someone playing Für Elise on a public piano. He's giving the pianist a very skeptical look, while clutching a yellow toy truck to his chest. He's not sure what's going on, he'd not sure if he likes it, but he's most definitely gonna watch it.</p><p>At a river-bend water hole: A man (20s?) is gripping a rope swing. He calls out to his swimming friend that he's coming in! He swings out. He's over the water... He's over the water... Nope... Nope. Looks too cold! He's not jumping in. His friend splashing him as he swings by.</p><p>Two young humans (7/9?) have devised a game where one sits on a swing, while his brother throws a beach ball at his face. Debate about the rules ensues. Little Brother is insisting that Big Brother should let the ball smack him because it's the RULES and it's TOTALLY FAIR!</p><p>Two men (60s?) are standing on the beach next to fishing rods. One is showing the other some basic yoga stretches, which the other is doing with some dramatic groaning and husky smoker laughing at his own expense.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are practitioners of Groan Yoga. If spotted, please give them a nice spot by a river bank to sit and enjoy the view afterwards.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A man (30s?) is delighting in impersonating a football commentator for his vision impaired partner while describing a seagull snaffling a distracted tourist's hot chips: "It's approaching goal and OH YES! Yes! YES! SCORE! The Bird. Is VICTORIOUS!" </p><p>At the beach: A woman (50s?) pulls up in a light blue ute, gets out and grabs a beanbag off the tray. She's later seen sitting on in the beanbag, drinking from a thermos and enjoying the view. Her feet buried in the sand.</p><p>A small human (5?) is studiously writing the alphabet in the sand at the beach. His dad says: "Ya might have missed a few matey. What comes after C? I think it might be D." Small human studies at his artwork, then throws up his arms. "No! No. Because. No! It's E! Because that's how I wrote it."</p><p>Two young humans (7 &amp; 8?) have decided to roll down a ramp leading to a jetty while wearing their rollerblades, only to change their minds half way. Both are now trying to roll back up the ramp, hauling themselves along the railings, shouting encouragement to each other. </p><p>A large family group have set up on the beach. Small humans are drawing impossible mazes in the sand, Grandad's sorting out a beach cricket game and someone's playing the ukulele and singing. The smell of sausages and caramelizing onions wafting on the breeze.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are a type of Indignant First Drafter who insists that anything they write is correct because they wrote it.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at a Small City Fringe Festival in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A woman (70s?) debuting her first stand up gig, knocks it out of the park with a show ranging from bawdy to hilariously dark. Huge laughs. Afterwards, someone asks if she's tired and she indignantly says: "No! Why would I be?"</p><p>At a comedy theatre show, the actors on stage are hamming it up to a tough crowd. Then a small human (5?) becomes so enraptured by their silliness that she starts uncontrollably chortling in delight. Her enjoyment is infectious and the room's mood shifts to laughter.</p><p>5 teens (14?), giggling and cheerfully chatting, are waiting for a musical show to start. One of them asks the others if they've ever smelt the insides of their own noses and vigorous snortling scientific investigation takes place. A supervising dad chuckling at the daftness. </p><p>At a burlesque show a prim looking woman (50s?) admits to friends that she's never seen burlesque and is a bit nervous. Moments later she's hooting and laughing at a ridiculously sexy pole dance, Korn's Freak on a Leash blaring. Her friends grinning conspiratorially. </p><p>At a burlesque show, the audience goes wild as the MC announces that she's the final performer. Ripping off her heels she dons crocs and clowns it up in a hilarious strip tease. Feet stamp, people whoop, cheers echo. She's hilarious. She's local. She's loved. </p><p>Any typos spotted in this post and working on their sexy ampersand dance. If spotted, please compliment their comic timing.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> on Market Day in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A small human (3?) in tiny work boots and a John Deere T-shirt is holding a pot of parsley. Looking appraisingly at the parsley, he says: "I can cook LOTS of things with this, can't I mum? I can cook more than anyone else in the WHOLE WORLD."</p><p>Three very large, tank-shaped men (Dad and two sons?), are leisurely ambling along eating bacon sandwiches. The middle one is cradling a very small, fluffy dog. (Shih Tzu cross?) who is giving her humans adoring doggy smiles in between sneaky bacon treats.</p><p>Two young humans (7?) are inspecting a crystal stall. One says: "Look at ALL THE GEMS!" before debating which ones to buy and what magical powers they have. The purple ones can DEFINITELY make you invisible...under the right conditions. </p><p>A man (40s?) and two small humans (4&amp;6?) are standing in line for sausages. They spot someone carrying a big sack and Dad says: "Whaddya think's in there kids? Gold? Potatoes?" He pauses gleefully. "Children?" Small humans think about this. Nah. Not children. Definitely gold or potatoes.</p><p>A tiny human (6 months?) is sitting in a shark-patterned baby carrier. She's all huge eyes as she inspects her surroundings, giving the world a huge gummy grin when she spots someone walking by with a bright green scarf. Everything is exciting. Everything is colours!</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post can definitely cook anything in the WHOLE WORLD. If spotted please give them a sack of gold... or potatoes.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> in a Beer Garden in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>NewZealand</span></a> </p><p>4 women (20s?) in retail uniforms are talking after a long day. One says firmly: "We're all too salty. I think we should go have a chill moment in nature to calm down." Later seen relaxing together in a park. </p><p>A VERY indignant dog (Vizla) is sitting in a van under a shady tree. Indignant Dog is managing a world class censorious stare and single disgruntled "woofs" through the van's open window. His human comes over for a pat and the guilt trip intensifies. No patting of Indignant Dog! He is indignant!</p><p>A grinning woman (30s?) says to a friend: "Did I tell you I've got your wedding speech written." <br>Her friend asks: "Any of it safe for my Nan to hear?"<br>Grinning Woman says: "Most of it."<br>Her friend snorts: "You definitely DO NOT have my wedding speech written."</p><p>A group of sunburned men (20s?) are talking about authenticity in life. One says earnestly: "You can't be hack if you just be yourself."<br>His friend wryly retorts: "Unless you ARE hack. Then maybe be someone else." (Later seen buying apology nachos for his mate.) </p><p>A woman (20s?) sitting with friends bursts into tears. A stranger (50s?) asks: "Do you want to hold my dog?" On a yes, she hands over a fluffy Pekingese with a pink-tongued grin. The mood promptly lightens. Small dog cuddles save the day!</p><p>Any typos spotted would like a fluffy dog to cuddle, and even if you think they're hack sometimes, buy them some nachos, because they're your mate, and ya love 'em.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at the Beach in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A dad says to a young human (8?): "Now there're a couple of problems here with what you're doing with that stick. Want to tell me what they are?"<br>Young human thinks, then says: "Poking?"<br>Dad: "Yes! Poking. And poking's not very nice is it?"</p><p>A couple (60s?) have set up a blanket next to a beach path. A bottle of red and an unfinished picnic is forgotten while they canoodle like teenagers. Belinda Carlisle on the playlist. A weka speculatively watching their unattended sandwiches. </p><p>Two small humans (3 &amp; 5?) are building a sand castle as the tide comes in. A big wave washes over it and they cry out in gleeful alarm, only to rebuild moments later. But another wave's coming in. Oh no! Destruction! The drama is epic. Watery pathos everywhere. Let's make another one!</p><p>A small human (4?) and her grandad (50?) are searching through the driftwood at the edge of the beach. They find two mighty staffs and soon Grandad is showing her how to cast spells. Their mighty bellows echoing over the water. Fireballs everywhere! VROOSH.... BANG! HAHAHA </p><p>Three tradies (20s-50s?) are sitting at a picnic table after a hot day's work. One is unwrapping their fish and chips, the other brings out a couple of beers, while the third produces a giant bottle of Watties tomato sauce. The perfect post-work chill out. (5)</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post would like it known that they don't use their wizard staff for poking (unless poked by their big brother).</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Cafe Writing in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>Two small human strangers (3?) meet at a basket of toys. Before long, they're race car drivers, vroom vrooming cars along the floor. Who will win?! All too soon it's time to go. They hug each other goodbye. A tiny happy memory made.</p><p>A man (60s?) leans towards his partner, expression pure mischief. "What d'ya call the rear end of a clown?"<br>His partner sighs: "Do I want to know?"<br>He grins: "Hilarious in hindsight!"<br>She points to the door: "Go sit outside and have a good hard think about yourself."<br>He cackles. </p><p>A tiny human (1?) in a dinosaur onesie is scooting along under his mum's table, enraptured by the sight of so many piggy wiggies. His mum moves her toes and he shrieks excitedly, only to huff puff with happiness when his Gran moves hers. What are these wondrous toe beasties?!</p><p>A woman (20s?) in a flowing white dress is in line for coffee. She says earnestly to a friend: "Did I tell you I killed all my strawberries?... Is there such a thing as a plant serial killer?"</p><p>Two men (40s?) are deep in corporate chat when one says loudly: "Just so you know. I don't think the Imodium's working." The other asks if he want's to go, but he says: "No. I'll keep on track." He then launches into a droning monologue. His colleague more nervous by the second.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post have discovered the ultimate corporate meeting power move. If spotted, please distract them by wiggling your piggy wiggies.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>In a beer garden: A brown and white border collie is in denial about the fact that he's a rather big, very fluffy boy. He's currently sitting on his human's lap at the head of a long table. A forever puppy in his element. </p><p>In an ice cream shop: A small human (3?) is handed a cone of strawberry. She samples the goods with all signs of rapturous enjoyment, then bellows: "IT'S VERY YUMMY!" at her little brother (2?) who hasn't gotten his yet. The sibling smugness is everything. </p><p>In a busy cafe: A woman (50s?) is talking to a friend. She says pointedly: "Y'know it's not hard to be a nice person. Not hard at all..."<br>Her friend laugh-snorts: "Yeah, I hear you, but I'm still not sharing my cake!"</p><p>In a beer garden: A group of Europeans (20s?) are all chilling and chatting over pints while soaking up the sun. One says to the rest in a Spanish accent: "I don't hate everyone, you know. Just the people I don't like. But not you. I like you." He grins.</p><p>A man (60s?), is driving in a vintage red roadster along a picturesque beach road. He's wearing a flying helmet and vintage goggles. His grin is Jack Nicolson wide. <br>Toad from Toad Hall enjoying his motor. (Poop! Poop!)</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are convinced that they are indeed, small typos and not ginormous calamities. If spotted, please compliment their flying hat and goggles and maybe share some of your cake. It's not hard to be nice, after all. (Poop poop!)</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at an Italian Festival in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A tiny human (2?) gives her mum a gelato-smeared smile and asks: "Mum, am I squishie?"<br>Her mum gives her a cuddle and, feigning serious, says: "Hmm. A little bit squishie."<br>Small human giggles in delight: "NOOO! I'm VERY SQUISHIE!" </p><p>A small human (3?) in orange overalls is walking next to his dad, his expression tragic, his steps heavy, his tone tearily, beseeching as he pleads his case: "No Papa. No Pizza! No Pizza! Gelato Papa! GELATOOOOOOO!"</p><p>A woman (40s?) with a thick New Jersey accent is standing in line for ravioli. She's delighted to learn that the Kiwi woman behind her speaks Italian and they're soon fast-paced chatting, hands flying everywhere. Laughter, connection and delicious food. </p><p>A row of women (70s+?) in straw hats, sun dresses and sensible shoes are sitting on a long bench under a shady tree. They're all watching a performance of 'Time to Say Goodbye' while a holding an assortment of fluffy button-eyed dogs. </p><p>A divine woman (40s?) shimmers past long tables of people eating plates heaped with pizza and pasta. She's rocking a lace parasol, a pink New Look-style 50s dress, white heels and a Lucille Ball do. This is her moment in the sun. Appreciative looks as she goes.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post would like to plead their case for gelato, not pizza. If spotted, please tell them they're VERY SQUISHIE, and maybe save them a seat to eat the gelato, which Papa gets them... after pizza...</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> on Market Day in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A small human (5?) in fluffy red shoes is snaffling strawberries from her mum's shopping basket. But instead of eating them, Small Human is stuffing them in her cheeks like a sneaky strawberry squirrel. Nothing to see here. Nope! Nothing. At. All.</p><p>A woman (50s?) in black biker leathers and wrap around shades is strutting through the markets like a badass Power Ranger, nefarious carrot tops peeking out of her sinister satchel. </p><p>A man (50s?) in farm gear, a border collie at his heels, is looking at baby clothes. He says proudly: "My oldest daughter's got one in the oven. It's the first grandbaby and I want to get 'em everything. They won't want for nuthin'" He picks out four onesies and and a matching bucket hat.</p><p>A small human (6?) in T-shirt with tractors on it is stomping next to his dad. He said indignantly: "I just asked if I could try Dad. I asked!"<br>His dad stifles a laugh: "Yeah, ya did matey. But when you ask to try a cheese sample, you don't keep going back until there's none left."</p><p>A small human (6?) and her dad are cycling along a sunny street. They reach the bottom of a very steep hill and decide to get off their bikes, pushing them up side-by-side while chatting and laughing together as they go.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are a breed of Strawberry Sample Snaffler. If spotted please don't mind their bulging cheek pouches and maybe keep them company while they walk up the very steep hill leading to their home.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming In Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A man (50s?) in a plumbing company shirt is talking to a friend in front of a supermarket. He says: "I'm cookin' the missus dinner tonight. I was all set to make a pav for dessert but forgot the cream!"<br>He friend laughs. "So a normal night then?"</p><p>A couple (20s) are standing in the sweet aisle. They've set themselves the job of picking each other a bag of lollies (sweets) as a present. He's going for snakes. She's threatening liquorice and is giggling at his gack noises.</p><p>In a craft shop, a woman (late teens?) is standing in front of a wall of acrylic paints, hand tentatively reaching towards one colour, then another. A passing woman says: "Bit overwhelming isn't it, darl?" Her shoulders relax and she smiles. "YES! I can only afford four and I want them all!"</p><p>In a cafe, a big table of people (20s to 90s?) are singing happy birthday to a woman in a blue cloche hat who is turning 87. Someone's stuck a candle in a slice of peach pie and she cheerfully blows it out. A friend wraps an arm around her shoulder, giving her warm squeeze. </p><p>A small human is waving to cars entering the car park and is pointing to the spots he thinks they should use with great solemnity and importance. Everything has its right place and he SHALL create automobile neatness! </p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are directing disorderly, obstreperous and extraneous adjectives into literary parking spaces. Please give any typos spotted a slice of pie.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> on a Midday Walk on an Isolated Beach in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>In the distance, two grey-haired people get off their bikes, shuck their clothes by a driftwood log and scamper into the surf naked, their laughter ringing over the water. Gulls calling overhead.*</p><p>A couple (70s?) are sitting in matching camp chairs under a big stripey blue umbrella. They're fast asleep, heads bowed towards each other, hands on their tummies, paperbacks on their laps. Perfect afternoon. </p><p>A woman (30s?) is walking along the beach, eating an ice cream, her expression chill. An optimistic gull is keeping pace, trotting along side her, its orange legs a flashing blur in the sun. </p><p>A barrel-shaped man (60s?) with a silver beard, wearing a Metallica T-shirt is marching along the sand. This beach is 10+km long and he's gonna walk all of it. Every now and then he stops abruptly to stretch out his arms, looking up at the sky before once again heading off. The mission continues.</p><p>A tiny human (2?) has just been slathered in sunscreen. He does not approve of this situation and promptly goes full dying swan on the sand. But now he's covered in sand and the drama is intensifying! Dad is asking if he's finished yet. (The answer is "NOOOOOO!")</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are prone to throwing off their quotation marks and gleefully diving into free verse poetry. If spotted, please don't comment on their wobbly capital letters and maybe insist they wear sunscreen.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A woman (40s?) is walking along a footpath next to a bay. A strong sea breeze is flapping her dress against her legs and is whipping her hair against her face but she doesn't seem to mind. Her expression a contented smile.</p><p>In a library car park: A woman (20s?) is sitting in a sunny spot behind her camper van. She's raising an epic salad sandwich to her mouth when a man (20s?) in hi vis walks by. He cheerfully says: "THAT is a sweet as sandwich!" then continues on his way. </p><p>A woman (50s) is standing before an easter egg display in a supermarket. She's frowning and murmurs to a passing man (late teens?). "What d'you think. Is it too early?"<br>He grins and says: "Nah. Never too early for easter eggs!"<br>She nods. These are sound words of wisdom.</p><p>A woman (60s?) leaves a hardware store. As she looks around her at a full car park with a frown, a nearby store greeter calls out: "Lost your car, love?"<br>She laughs and replies: "Yeah. But I'll be fine. It's too old to run away!"</p><p>At a rack in front of an op shop (thrift store) a woman (20s?) makes a happy sound on spotting a red slip dress. She holds it up for her friend to admire. They both agree it's perfect and she hurries inside to try it on.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are searching for where they parked their keyboard. They were sure it was next to the giant pile of books. Or maybe it's on the coffee table? Either way, they're gonna make themselves an epic sandwich.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> While Roaming in Aotearoa New Zealand:</p><p>A woman (60s?) and a small human (6?) are inspecting remote control cars. Small human is vibrating with excitement, looking at a red truck. He says: "If you got me this, I could sit Grandad's cup of tea on it and bring it to him ALL THE TIME!"</p><p>In a beer garden: A man (20s?) in a plaid shirt and battered work boots is greeted by a friend. He says: "Hey man. Last day of my job today."<br>His friend says: "Yeah, right. You okay brother?"<br>He replies: "Dunno yet. But I'm gonna celebrate anyway!"</p><p>In a park: A scowling and stomping tiny human (2?) is hurling a blue teddy in front of her, picking it up, then hurling it again while grumpily muttering: "SILLY teddy! Mind your MANNERS!" (Silly Teddy appears unbothered by all disciplinary efforts.)</p><p>In a park: A small human (3?) is standing with his arms outstretched, facing a very faint breeze. His nan tells him they're going to the car now but he bellows: "I can't! It's SO WINDY!" The next few seconds contain a very convincing performance of battling a gale-force storm. Nan is skeptical. </p><p>In a park: A woman (50s?) is taking pictures of her friend, who's dressed in jeans and a green linen shirt.<br>The friend shifts awkwardly. "You don't have to do this Jess."<br>She says: "I want to! I don't care how long it takes, we're gonna get a good one for you."<br>Her reward is a relieved smile.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post would be getting a whole lot of writing done, but IT'S SO WINDY.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> at a Country Market in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A burly man (70s?) with a Canadian accent is talking to a friend. He says: "You know, some people come here for the beautiful scenery, but I'm here to look at the tractors!"</p><p>A woman (60s?) is ambling along a footpath, wearing a propeller hat. As she passes a shop, someone calls out a greeting and, grinning, she bows her head and spins the propeller. Laughter follows in her wake.</p><p>A small human (5?) is attempting to scale a mighty climbing frame. Her mum is supervising, unfazed by Small Human's technique which involves roaring: "I CAN'T DO THIS MUM. I CAN'T! IT'S SCARY!" While insisting on going higher when Mum wryly suggests that coming down is always an option. </p><p>A woman (50s?) in a purple dress is talking to friends. She says: "My approach with all this is to waft all over the place. I might waft over here to the veges. Then waft over there to the churros. It's all about what the mood, you know. Especially with the churros."</p><p>A woman (30s?) has just brought 3 madeleines at a patisserie stall. Her partner (30s?) picks up the bag and says: "Yum!"<br>She scowls: "They're for LATER!"<br>He shakes his head: "Nope. Gotta eat 'em now. They'll definitely go off. It's the RIGHT thing to do." He pops one in his mouth and grins.</p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are a variety of Rational Pastry Muncher. If spotted, please ignore their tendency to gobble any nearby pastries. And maybe don't mind the crumbs. There will be many.</p>
George Penney<p><a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Spotted</span></a> on Market Day in Aotearoa <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>newzealand</span></a> </p><p>A woman (50s?) in a denim jacket and hiking boots is sitting at a public piano, a far away look on her face as she plays the theme from the movie Amélie. A backpack and walking poles at her side. </p><p>A small human (4?) is regaling her dad with a story. She says: "Once upon a time there was a little girl who ate an ice cream and then she got another one. And then A MONKEY CAME!" Dad shows appreciation for this shock ending, but doesn't seem to be getting her subtle hints about the ice cream. </p><p>A man (30s?) is standing in the middle of his front garden drinking a coffee as he looks at a newly mulched flower bed. He expression is content. He's wearing pajamas, his feet bare. His small white dog snuffling at a nearby aniseed plant, tail alert. </p><p>A woman (50s?) is talking to a friend in front of a gnocchi truck. She says: "We had the last kid leave for uni a few weeks ago and I'd forgotten how great it is to be naked around my own house! What are clothes? I don't need them any more!" Her friend laughs. </p><p>A tiny human (2?) in a green fairy dress is eating a slice of pizza with her pinky finger stuck in the air. Being a refined fairy, she will eat this pizza with the decorum it deserves. Meanwhile her brother (4?) has cheerfully mashed his slice into his face and is asking for seconds. </p><p>Any typos spotted in this post are looking for a nice bench to sit and enjoy some unexpected piano music while eating their ice cream.</p>