Replaced a 1978 TIA with a 1981 TIA same revision 01 in my Atari sixer. The original chip required several minutes to work correctly. #retro #retrogaming #atari
Replaced a 1978 TIA with a 1981 TIA same revision 01 in my Atari sixer. The original chip required several minutes to work correctly. #retro #retrogaming #atari
I needed to let my brain off the hook for just one day, so yesterday I did nothing of importance! One of the non important things I did was finally reorganise the SD card for my DS Lite, with a classic DS theme for Twilight Menu, and getting the required games all loaded up!
awesome: Beastie/Leon McNeill just open sourced their Ultima III colour Macintosh port, all written in Think C!
This is the "Lairware" version that was sold at, and received many updates over the years - eventually gaining OS X/Intel 32-bit support. The source appears to be an Xcode project with a mix of think C and cocoa.
great job, Leon!
Commodore Amiga 4000 computer with HighFlyer expansion chassis (Video Toaster).
#commodore #CBM #AMIGA #A4000 #Videotoaster #Newtek #retrogaming #videogames #retrocomputer #80s #90s #Geek
Pics by thedaemon.
Columbia House: Take 2 CD-ROMs for $9.95 each. Plus 1 more at great savings!
Source: Electronic Entertainment 15 (March 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Was reading Richard Garriott talking about writing code and porting it to different systems and how porting to the PC was harder than other systems, because most computers in the early 80s used the same cpu, the MOS Technology 6501 and 6502.
It is not too far fetched to imagine a world where Intel did not become the dominate cpu.
Super Real Basketball (Pat Riley Basketball)
Source: Beep! MegaDrive 6 (March 1990)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
On #SaturnDay here’s “Dynamite Deka”, better known as “Die Hard Arcade”. This is a 1997 port of #Sega’s 1996 Titan Video Arcade 3D beat-em-up, developed by Sega AM1 & published in-house. Sega did not have the Die Hard License in Japan, hence the different name.
#Retrogaming #Saturn
#retrogaming game of the day : Titan (1991) by ISCO on #PCEngine game
This is just the PCEngine version of the multidirectional Titus Breakout-like (on 8-16bits computers). And it's going to be your nightmare!... get your vomit bag ready!
Autotest (1990, Byte-Back / Daisy Soft)
Autotest is an undeservedly forgotten gem in the Commodore 64 library, which was developed by Daisysoft and published by Byte-Back in 1990.
@aaronsgiles Yes you cannot get through GOGs support. I think we need an inside contact.
Anyone knows someone from the internal GOG team and can make a connection?
X-Wing Alliance is broken too.
#GOG #GoodOldGames #Retrogaming #MS-DOS #Win95 #Win98 #LucasArts
𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝙺𝚘𝚗𝚐
From a series of voxel art tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
As there were no voxel editors yet, I made them by extruding polygons in 3ds Max.
Some high-res images from this series are available here…
Mr. Do! Vs. Unicorns
Source: Amusement Life 10 (September 1983)
Scan Source: DFJustin (Internet Archive)
It doesn't look like Camerica got to stick around for very long. All of their hardware is almost entirely wireless gear for NES plus what looks like a wired microswitch joystick for the SEGA Master System. Nothing for the SNES or anything beyond that.
They did make the "Freedom Connection", which was a wireless re-transmitter for NES controllers - interesting idea, but I guess anyone who wanted a wireless pad or stick just bought one and got the extra controller out of it. #retrogaming
In Richard Garriott's DND1 written in BASIC in 1977, I thought this bit of code was interesting.
It would be Death Saves for HP in more modern discourse.
If the characters's HP are 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above.
If the characters' HP are below 0, the character survives if their CONSTITUTION is 9 or above, but they lose 2 points of CONSTITUTION and gain 1 hit point.
This was only 3 or 4 years after D&D had been introduced to the world.
Question for #retrogaming enthusiasts. How much does input latency matter to you, and why?
Don't get me wrong here - I fully appreciate the work that has gone into (for example) DaemonBite adapters that have been measured down to or below 1ms in latency, but... does that actually matter?
You need to hit 240Hz before your inputs have to happen faster than 5ms to change on every frame, and... what retro game does that?
Small number good, sure, but why?
Boosts and all comments welcome. #AskFedi