Bought a cartridge reader mostly to get this awesome picture (taken by the people who possessed my gameboy camera before me)
All of those pictures looks like time capsules
Yooo, the most mysterious song on the internet got found!
Albert Pyun's Slinger - a workprint of Cyborg -
You know what lost unreleased game I’d love someone to find? The Transformers: Generation 2 SNES game.
A few months ago, I made a backup copy of all my CDs (well, the ones I could still read), including CD-Rs of random downloaded shareware. I listed some of it on my website.
This week someone asked me if I could share my copy of Alien Detector Pro, which had apparently vanished from the internets and is a childhood memory for them.
So, now, all of you can enjoy Alien Detector Pro and see if there are aliens in your area!
TRON Legacy soundtrack CD is supposed to have bonus content. Unfortunately, what's on the CD is a 3MB EXE file that has only a link to a dead website. Anyone has a backup of whatever was there?
The Web Archive archived the page but there's a login wall…
(yes I know, I should have done this 10 years ago…)