The gender pain gap: Why it’s time to take women’s health more seriously - BBC Science Focus Magazine
The gender pain gap: Why it’s ...

The gender pain gap: Why it’s time to take women’s health more seriously - BBC Science Focus Magazine
The gender pain gap: Why it’s ...
The gender pain gap: Why it’s time to take women’s health more seriously - BBC Science Focus Magazine
Pain bias: The health inequality rarely discussed - BBC Future
Pain bias: The health inequali...
Pain bias: The health inequality rarely discussed - BBC Future
Warning: probable paywall
The gender pain gap has gone on for too long – it's time we closed it | New Scientist
The gender pain gap has gone o...
Warning: probable paywall
The gender pain gap has gone on for too long – it's time we closed it | New Scientist
@marisa When I was a student teacher, many decades ago, I researched gender bias in the classroom. My rationale at the time was that I didn't think there was any, so I must have been missing something. Boy did I learn! (for reference, if any of this is relevant, it was 1987-88 and I was 23. And male )
The surprising thing was that practices that favoured good education for boys over girls were shown to be in use by male AND female teachers. And the tendency of women to second-guess themselves (in contrast to the male tendency to consider themselves practically faultless – , and
) was present even in women that I thought were minor deities - Amazing teachers, some Ph.D.s in the mix, you name it. From then on, I made it a point to try to tip the scales in the other direction. I'm sure I fell into the usual rut on occasion, but *most* of the time I kept the bias in mind and tried to correct for it.
"The experiment used 554 resumes and 571 job descriptions taken from real-world documents.
The researchers then doctored the resumes, swapping in 120 first names generally associated with people who are male, female, Black and/or white. The jobs included were chief executive, marketing and sales manager, miscellaneous manager, human resources worker, accountant and auditor, miscellaneous engineer, secondary school teacher, designer, and miscellaneous sales and related worker.
The results demonstrated gender and race bias, said Wilson, as well as intersectional bias when gender and race are combined.
One surprising result: the technology preferred white men even for roles that employment data show are more commonly held by women, such as HR workers.
This is just the latest study to reveal troubling biases with AI models — and how to fix them is “a huge, open question,” Wilson said.
It’s difficult for researchers to probe commercial models as most are proprietary black boxes, she said. And companies don’t have to disclose patterns or biases in their results, creating a void of information around the problem."
#IreneZhang from #Microsoft #Research: "The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful #ComputerScientist and a #Woman"
"my very existence as a moderately young, moderately successful computer scientist threatens some men's sense of identity, thus making them uncomfortable and/or lash out."
#IT #Researcher #GenderBias #academia #women @academicchatter